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Local organisations and events:
Useful Council links:

Local volunteers are on hand to help throughout these difficult times and there are organisations who can help financially, socially and practically:


NYCC Coronavirus Advice and information


Inner Balance: Mindfulness for mental health and emotional wellbeing


NYCC list of available help for you, including Self Isolating, Mental Health, Finances, Shopping


NYCC Help for your business


North Yorkshire Local Assistance Fund via Sherburn Community Support Organisation (SCSO)

Grant Scheme to help individuals and families who are most in need or most at risk, to access food, utility, and other household essentials to support them through a 14-day period of self-isolation

More detail and eligibility information available from Anne-Marie Oldroyd, SCSO


tel: 07907 024765 


Monk Fryston Education Foundation: Hardship Fund

Monk Fryston Educational Foundation is a local Charity No. 519618 that serves the communities of Monk Fryston Hillam and Burton Salmon.  Its purpose is to consider requests for grants which enable and promote education. This includes social and physical training and religious education.


Grants can be awarded to any person under the age of 25 who are, or have a parent, living in one of the areas above.  The trustees may also award grants to Monk Fryston School where the funding would not normally be provided by the local authority.


The charity is managed by trustees who are responsible for the charity’s assets and considering and agreeing to grant requests.  One trustee is nominated by each of the Parish Councils, one by Monk Fryston School Governors, and one by St Wilfrid’s PCC with the incumbent Rector of St. Wilfrid’s being an ex-officio member.


A modest fund is available, if you think your funding needs meet the criteria above then please e-mail

Report an issue with paths, roads, potholes, overhanging vegetation, broken street lights via NYCC


Report a breach of Planning Conditions - Selby District Council


Report an instance of Flytipping: Selby District Council Environmental Health


Report Dog Fouling: Selby District Council Environmental Health

COVID - 19: Help and assistance

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